Monday, March 05, 2007

Reprint of a Posting by the University of Notre Dame faculty to the CCPTP Listserv:

February 28, 2007

With great sadness we share news of the death of Naomi Meara. Naomi spent nearly two decades as a member of Notre Dame's counseling program faculty. During that time, she served two terms as chair of the psychology department, served on and chaired nearly every important department and university committee, and both formally and informally mentored countless students. Among her many achievements, Naomi was President of Division 17 in 1988-89 and she was honored with the Nancy Reeves Dreux chair in psychology at Notre Dame in 1996. Naomi chaired CCPTP in 1980-1981.

Naomi was especially proud of her role in advancing the cause of women in psychology generally, and in counseling psychology in particular. She was an early member of the Division 17 Women's Committee, and in many other ways throughout her professional career she sought to maximize the potential of women. Her primary research areas were in counseling language analysis and ethics (in particular, virtue ethics).

Naomi was a friend to many in Division 17, CCPTP, and in APA. We will miss her friendship and wise counsel. You can read an interview with Naomi, conducted by her good friend Kathy Davis, in the May 2001 Issue of TCP.

In the interview, Kathy asked Naomi:

”Naomi, what would you like to be remembered for?"

Naomi answered: "That is a very hard question. Let me preface this by saying I am not sure that I would deserve to be remembered for anything. I would like to be seen, however, as how I aspire to be. I think the goal is to be competent and to provide for the common good. I would like to be seen as a professional who was not the best but who tried her best. I would like to be remembered as somebody who was respectful of colleagues, friends, and students. And I would like to be seen as someone that was good with words and that could help develop systematic rather than stop gap solutions to organizational and interpersonal problems. I would like to be remembered for no big thing. I would hope in years to come that members of Division 17 would understand how grateful I am to have been part of a lot of what went on for a few years.

Alexandra Corning
Joyce Dunfee
Jerry Haeffel
George Howard
Anita Kelly
Scott Monroe
Tom Merluzzi
Irene Park
Don Pope-Davis
Dave Smith

Please join us in sharing your memories of Naomi by posting comments to this message.

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